Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Random BF Rant.....

While the events of last week seem to disappear into who-knows-where land...there are some things I remember.

As I have suggested in my last post, my boyfriend does say somethings that are rude at times. And I feel like that along some other...well one in particular habit really drives me up the wall. I it okay for me to kind of rant about my boyfriend like this? One thing that bothers me, which I would love to think of some way to tell him is that he chews with his mouth open! That one really bothers me...and the fact that he'll talk with food in his mouth as well. If it's a once in a while thing...I might be able to deal with that. And I don't know if I am being picky or not...

We were talking on the phone one day...and I all could hear was loud chewing. And I asked him..."are you eating something?" He said that he had just went to get pizza. He asked why I asked, I said "no reason." Ohhh....if I had let my mind betray me then. I want to tell him politely that he should eat with his mouth closed and not show the whole world his food...but how do I? I was once thinking of telling him a story of a neighbor of mine who annoyed my siblings and I with how he chewed with his mouth open. And did I add that his mouth does this side-side move like a cow when he chews and talks? I am seriously not trying to be mean...I do still like him despite this. I mean...its not like we eat all the time when we are together.

I don't know...I guess being away from him for 2 months already...and not being about to see him for another 1 1/2 makes things hard for me to keep remembering all the good things. Don't get me wrong here...I thought about the good for about the first month and a half. But I can't help but feel that he's changing. Not changing as in he would dump me...I know its not that.

Actually, I think we are both changing. We don't talk as much as we used to...we used to talk everyday for hours. It could be texting back and forth for a bit, or chatting online or phone calls. Now we never talk for maybe more than 30minutes...every couple of days. Might get a sprinkle of a text here or there. And I know that's still good...but I don't know.

Last thing of this post... So my boyfriend has this pseuo-psycho ex girlfriend. Not sure if I ever mentioned her before. So she's been trying to get him back...she "tricked" him into going on a date with her last summer...although not sure how you can be "tricked into a date." They had gone out to dinner and the pier on the beach at night and he paid for everything (and he didn't know it was a date until she told one of her friends about it).

So he told me that he wanted to go and hang out with her during the summer. Which I don't really get, he says they want to be friends...and yet she still likes him. When she found out we were going out because we decided to put it on facebook she told him "oh I see you have a girlfriend, well that's great because I have a boyfriend too!" I mean....what kind of nonsense is that? I'm not trying to invite any trouble! So I don't know, I told him I don't understand why he wants to go...but he said if she starts getting too frisky/fresh/whatever the word is, then he would leave. But I'm a little worried about what he considers flirting...he didn't know I liked him when I was flirting with him...because he said "lots of girls including some of his friends do that."

Ohhh...this post was soo inappropriate, But I'm just confused right now. Will explain more in my next post...this one is already too long :-/


princesa said...

Yay! Am first!
Long time girl.Glad you are doing ok.About the boyfriend, dont worry about the'ish'(chewing with his mouth open).Everyone's got their 'scoin scoin'as Mr. Fineboy will put it. Am sure if you look hard,you would discover yours but he still loves you all the same.
Be back.

EDNUTEY said...

na wa o...hmm he wants to go hang out with her
u are a girl too, u know what we are worth, hmm if I want to get someone back, I can do ANYTHING
well, it's all about trust, if u trust him u don't have to worry about anything...and I hope he's not trying to do something stupid

and I'm second!!! Princess beat that!

cinnamonqueen said...

we all have some irritating habit, i am sure you can see past his once you give yourself time to consider all that is good about him.
about this psycho bunny boiler ex though... you've got to set the record straight with your b/f. what is the point of staying friends if it is clear she wants more than that?

Unknown said...

lol, gal first - the ex wants your bf back. Your bf is confused. It is very dangerous to leave any man in a confused state. VERY DANGEROUS!!. Keep your eyes peeled!!


EDNUTEY said...

ya needs ta update

Unknown said...

how bad could it have been?