School sucks, absolutely swamped with work once more. Papers, and midterms day after day after day. guys will have to wait until the first week of October to hear the rest, unless I take a study break...which I HIGHLY doubt.
Sorry to disappoint :-(
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Break TIme
I'm going to have to take a break from my story telling....I have mondo work to do.
Will be back later this week to complete the recap of my schooling up until today!
Talk to you guys later!
Will be back later this week to complete the recap of my schooling up until today!
Talk to you guys later!
The Morning After....
So that next morning, I woke up next to my boyfriend. My roommate had apparently come back to the room...even after I called her and she said that she could find somewhere else to sleep for the night. But oh well...not that big of a deal.
I put my arm around my boyfriend and he whispers that he has something to tell me. So he begins to narrate a story to me of my roommate came into the room not long ago with another guy, and he heard some giggling and then later they left, and Brittany came back into the room and got ready for bed. I told him I must have been asleep during the whole thing because I didn't hear a thing.
So then we get out of bed, and he tells me he wants a pen and paper because he wants to write her a note. A note telling her how she was not "slick" when she came into the room. It started with...Dear Brittany, Right now it is 8:47PM, exactly 3 hours from when you entered into the room... Then he went on to talk about how she wasn't being quiet when the keys were jingling and you guys were giggling... He went on rambling in the letter about what she did when she came into the room and he ended it with oh, and just so you know, remember that you didn't see any underwear on the floor. This was there to imply the fact that we did not have sex.
I read the letter and I was just like...why did you have to put that in the note. Who's business is it what did and didn't happen. So then later we went outside because he was going to leave for church. But then he called his roommate, and he said that they were going to a later service. So during the extra time we sat in the stairwell and talked for a bit. I asked him to tell me what exactly happened the night before. And he was like...well I think she came in wearing a white top. And she came in with this guy, and they were talking and giggling about something.
Then he asked me if she put some stuff on her face before she goes to bed. Because she spent a good three to five minutes doing that. Then he asked if she goes to bed with blue shorts that say "____" on the bottom. Because it looked like she had that on when she went into bed. So then he said he wanted to go back into the room because he wanted to see her reaction when she read the note. All the while I was just listening and observing him, because I had said my piece the night before. Right now I just wanted to see how he acted.
So we got back into my bed, and were talking. The time came that he had to go and he told me to text him if my roommate had on blue ____ shorts....
I put my arm around my boyfriend and he whispers that he has something to tell me. So he begins to narrate a story to me of my roommate came into the room not long ago with another guy, and he heard some giggling and then later they left, and Brittany came back into the room and got ready for bed. I told him I must have been asleep during the whole thing because I didn't hear a thing.
So then we get out of bed, and he tells me he wants a pen and paper because he wants to write her a note. A note telling her how she was not "slick" when she came into the room. It started with...Dear Brittany, Right now it is 8:47PM, exactly 3 hours from when you entered into the room... Then he went on to talk about how she wasn't being quiet when the keys were jingling and you guys were giggling... He went on rambling in the letter about what she did when she came into the room and he ended it with oh, and just so you know, remember that you didn't see any underwear on the floor. This was there to imply the fact that we did not have sex.
I read the letter and I was just like...why did you have to put that in the note. Who's business is it what did and didn't happen. So then later we went outside because he was going to leave for church. But then he called his roommate, and he said that they were going to a later service. So during the extra time we sat in the stairwell and talked for a bit. I asked him to tell me what exactly happened the night before. And he was like...well I think she came in wearing a white top. And she came in with this guy, and they were talking and giggling about something.
Then he asked me if she put some stuff on her face before she goes to bed. Because she spent a good three to five minutes doing that. Then he asked if she goes to bed with blue shorts that say "____" on the bottom. Because it looked like she had that on when she went into bed. So then he said he wanted to go back into the room because he wanted to see her reaction when she read the note. All the while I was just listening and observing him, because I had said my piece the night before. Right now I just wanted to see how he acted.
So we got back into my bed, and were talking. The time came that he had to go and he told me to text him if my roommate had on blue ____ shorts....
The Saturday That will Live in Infamy (September 1st) Pt. 2
So I went upstairs to one of my friends room and told her the situation. And she was basically telling me that I should tell him that he's upsetting me. And how I was feeling. She said it wasn't right that he was talking to my roommate more than he was talking to me. And my issue was like...of all days. The day that I made this for your birthday,'s not a right way to show appreciation for it.
So I went back down to my room (and I was really upset with the whole situation). He asked me where I went because I was gone for a long time. And I refused to tell him. And then he kept bugging me to tell him, but I wasn't going to because my thoughts weren't put together yet and I wasn't ready to tell him. And then he was like, "if you tell me where you went, then I will tell you where I went last night." My answer to that was "I don't care where you were last night." or something along those lines. So later we go downstairs a level to one of the common rooms where I surprised him with his cheesecake. One of my reasons to do it downstairs was so that we would be alone, and also I didn't want to be back in the room when my roommate came back from her shower...lest she had some other things to say about being naked.
So eating the cheesecake was quiet to say the least. He was happy for the surprise, but of course I wasn't happy with the way things had gone. I had wanted this to be a special night between him and I, I ended up with my roommate, him, and me. While we were downstairs he tried again to get me to talk about where I went, and I still wasn't ready to tell. As I said, I wanted to put my words together even more.
Eventually we went back upstairs to my room, and luckily my roommate had already left. So we went back to the room, and he kept begging me to tell him what was wrong. And I did...I broke down and cried. Told him how I didn't think that it was right that he was paying more attention to my roommate than to me. Then he started crying and apologized, said that he didn't know that he was doing that, and that he hated to see me cry. And he said that he didn't get the hint that it was supposed to be just the two of us.
So that was it...I forgave him. Besides, it hurt me just as much to see him cry. And then we kissed and everything was all better :-)
So I went back down to my room (and I was really upset with the whole situation). He asked me where I went because I was gone for a long time. And I refused to tell him. And then he kept bugging me to tell him, but I wasn't going to because my thoughts weren't put together yet and I wasn't ready to tell him. And then he was like, "if you tell me where you went, then I will tell you where I went last night." My answer to that was "I don't care where you were last night." or something along those lines. So later we go downstairs a level to one of the common rooms where I surprised him with his cheesecake. One of my reasons to do it downstairs was so that we would be alone, and also I didn't want to be back in the room when my roommate came back from her shower...lest she had some other things to say about being naked.
So eating the cheesecake was quiet to say the least. He was happy for the surprise, but of course I wasn't happy with the way things had gone. I had wanted this to be a special night between him and I, I ended up with my roommate, him, and me. While we were downstairs he tried again to get me to talk about where I went, and I still wasn't ready to tell. As I said, I wanted to put my words together even more.
Eventually we went back upstairs to my room, and luckily my roommate had already left. So we went back to the room, and he kept begging me to tell him what was wrong. And I did...I broke down and cried. Told him how I didn't think that it was right that he was paying more attention to my roommate than to me. Then he started crying and apologized, said that he didn't know that he was doing that, and that he hated to see me cry. And he said that he didn't get the hint that it was supposed to be just the two of us.
So that was it...I forgave him. Besides, it hurt me just as much to see him cry. And then we kissed and everything was all better :-)
The Saturday That will Live in Infamy (September 1st) Pt. 1
My boyfriend's birthday happened to fall on August 29th, which was the Wednesday of the first week of school. So on Wednesday, I went out to a Japanese restaurant with my boyfriend and three of his male friends. At first, I didn't want to go because I thought it should just be he and his friends, but some of my friends convinced me that I should go too since he asked. So I went, and it turned out to be fun, so I'm glad I went.
So anyways, I had plans of my own to make my boyfriend rice and plantain with stew (since he had never had Nigerian food before, and I had been telling him that he had to try it). And then for dessert, I was going to make his favorite food which was cheesecake. So I had a friend take me to the store where I bought all the ingredients.
Fast forward to Saturday....
I wake up to bake the cheesecake.
8 AM
Cheesecake has been baking for 2 hours now. I am tired, decide that I should go upstairs and take a nap.
10 AM
Wake back up because I need to take the cheesecake out and put it into the fridge.
Go with my three best friends and my roommate to get breakfast/dinner before our school's football game.
There happen to see my boyfriend along with some of his teammates grabbing some food. My friends and I say hi, I give him a hug, and then he leaves for the field. So my friends and roommate (Brittany) are just chatting about random things.
Go to watch the football game. We start off well in the beginning...but 3rd quarter comes, other team takes off and we lose.
Back to my dorm where I will spend the next several, several hours cooking dinner for my boyfriend.
Boyfriend calls and says he can't make it at 7:00, and asks if he can come at 8:00. Told him that was great (besides...I wasn't finished cooking and wanted to take another shower before he came so I didn't smell like friend plantain).
Boyfriend comes, and I have him take me to the store first to buy some whipped cream (the cheesecake cracked around some of the edges and I needed to fix it). He didn't know why we were going to the store, in fact he didn't know that I had cooked him dinner either. While we were out, I also happened to see some plantain that was riper than the one that I had bought, and so I picked up a few of those as well.
So we get back to my room and my roommate is there. And you want to know the first things that she said? She was like...
"Hi James! You know what? You are a lot taller and more muscular than I thought you were. I mean, I was talking to some friends about you, and they said that you were tall and muscular. I said that I didn't know about muscular, but you are definitely taller than I had thought."
My boyfriend just smiled and laughed at the whole thing.
And then pretty much throughout the time my boyfriend was there, he spent more time talking to my roommate than talking to me. Joking with her about America's Next Top Model....etc.
And then when I said that I was going to fry up the plantain that I had just bought, he asked if I wanted him to stay in the room, or come down with me! I mean...why would he ask to stay in the room with my roommate....does that make any sense?
And so then later, when we finally get to eating after we came back and he joked around with my roommate some more. My roommate goes into her closet right behind us and goes, "James, don't turn around, I'm getting naked." And then James says, "I mean, that would be kind of weird. Especially since ELNG is right here." And then she replies, "I'm in the closet!" And then adds again sarcastically, "oh yeah, I'm getting naked right behind you."
Why did she have to use the word naked...she could have said she was changing! And why did my bf see the need to further the conversation...?
So when my roommate left to go and take a shower because she was going to a party...I excused myself and left....
So anyways, I had plans of my own to make my boyfriend rice and plantain with stew (since he had never had Nigerian food before, and I had been telling him that he had to try it). And then for dessert, I was going to make his favorite food which was cheesecake. So I had a friend take me to the store where I bought all the ingredients.
Fast forward to Saturday....
I wake up to bake the cheesecake.
8 AM
Cheesecake has been baking for 2 hours now. I am tired, decide that I should go upstairs and take a nap.
10 AM
Wake back up because I need to take the cheesecake out and put it into the fridge.
Go with my three best friends and my roommate to get breakfast/dinner before our school's football game.
There happen to see my boyfriend along with some of his teammates grabbing some food. My friends and I say hi, I give him a hug, and then he leaves for the field. So my friends and roommate (Brittany) are just chatting about random things.
Go to watch the football game. We start off well in the beginning...but 3rd quarter comes, other team takes off and we lose.
Back to my dorm where I will spend the next several, several hours cooking dinner for my boyfriend.
Boyfriend calls and says he can't make it at 7:00, and asks if he can come at 8:00. Told him that was great (besides...I wasn't finished cooking and wanted to take another shower before he came so I didn't smell like friend plantain).
Boyfriend comes, and I have him take me to the store first to buy some whipped cream (the cheesecake cracked around some of the edges and I needed to fix it). He didn't know why we were going to the store, in fact he didn't know that I had cooked him dinner either. While we were out, I also happened to see some plantain that was riper than the one that I had bought, and so I picked up a few of those as well.
So we get back to my room and my roommate is there. And you want to know the first things that she said? She was like...
"Hi James! You know what? You are a lot taller and more muscular than I thought you were. I mean, I was talking to some friends about you, and they said that you were tall and muscular. I said that I didn't know about muscular, but you are definitely taller than I had thought."
My boyfriend just smiled and laughed at the whole thing.
And then pretty much throughout the time my boyfriend was there, he spent more time talking to my roommate than talking to me. Joking with her about America's Next Top Model....etc.
And then when I said that I was going to fry up the plantain that I had just bought, he asked if I wanted him to stay in the room, or come down with me! I mean...why would he ask to stay in the room with my roommate....does that make any sense?
And so then later, when we finally get to eating after we came back and he joked around with my roommate some more. My roommate goes into her closet right behind us and goes, "James, don't turn around, I'm getting naked." And then James says, "I mean, that would be kind of weird. Especially since ELNG is right here." And then she replies, "I'm in the closet!" And then adds again sarcastically, "oh yeah, I'm getting naked right behind you."
Why did she have to use the word naked...she could have said she was changing! And why did my bf see the need to further the conversation...?
So when my roommate left to go and take a shower because she was going to a party...I excused myself and left....
Hazy First Days with the Roomie
Move-in day went well. My roommate met my parents and my parents thought she was a responsible girl. I had the same impression of her as well (though I did know her from last year because we would complain about our roommates together before dance practice on Saturday mornings).
My parents left after about two hours, which we spent buying some things for the house and for my dorm. Right after my parents left, I meet up with my boyfriend and we chat while I'm unpacking all my things and putting them into place in my room.
In comes my roommate some hours later. So I introduce her to my boyfriend and he talks to her (like my boyfriend to make everyone feel at home :-) ). And then of course my roommate is all like..."you never told me you had a boyfriend." And in my head I'm thinking well I didn't know you well enough for me to tell you I had a boyfriend. I mean, where am I supposed to add it in during our brief passing conversations that consist of "hey, how are you?" "Good, and you?" "I'm doing well."
So we're probably in the room together (all three of us) for another hour or two...during which I was unpacking, boyfriend talking to roommate, me adding my two cents in every once in a while.
Then later my boyfriend took me out to dinner, which was great.
Through out the next couple days, my roommate would just be like...."awww, I wish I had a boyfriend." Along with other stuff, which I can't quite remember, over and over again....
My parents left after about two hours, which we spent buying some things for the house and for my dorm. Right after my parents left, I meet up with my boyfriend and we chat while I'm unpacking all my things and putting them into place in my room.
In comes my roommate some hours later. So I introduce her to my boyfriend and he talks to her (like my boyfriend to make everyone feel at home :-) ). And then of course my roommate is all like..."you never told me you had a boyfriend." And in my head I'm thinking well I didn't know you well enough for me to tell you I had a boyfriend. I mean, where am I supposed to add it in during our brief passing conversations that consist of "hey, how are you?" "Good, and you?" "I'm doing well."
So we're probably in the room together (all three of us) for another hour or two...during which I was unpacking, boyfriend talking to roommate, me adding my two cents in every once in a while.
Then later my boyfriend took me out to dinner, which was great.
Through out the next couple days, my roommate would just be like...."awww, I wish I had a boyfriend." Along with other stuff, which I can't quite remember, over and over again....
Return of the Prodigal Daughter....?
Hey you guys!
I'm so sorry that I have been such an awful blogger. I've been off for like two or three months's horrible. First I got swamped last couple weeks of summer school, all study and no play. Then I just wanted to relax and stressed out about school. Now I've been in school for like a month, and I literally get like 4-5 hours of sleep a night.

I thought I could stay away from blogging, and it was out of my mind for a while. Then I remembered that I missed having a place that I could just vent. About anything and everything and everyone. I really did miss you guys though. But my not wanted to blog at first kept me away. But now I'm back! I can't guarantee how often I'll blog though. But it will at least be once a week lol.
So let me give the quick rundown of what's been going on in my school days...then I will give sequential new posts that you can all catch up to minute by minute, detail by detail TODAY!!! Right I have come down with this horrible cold and am lying in bed, missing my classes for the day.
Pretty much, school so far has been work, work work. Hanging out with friends, my boyfriend....and I have tons of gist about my roommate. My sneaky roommate that has some kind of negative intention towards my bf and I. My friends and I have all talked...and she's really shady. Let me start to break it down....
I'm so sorry that I have been such an awful blogger. I've been off for like two or three months's horrible. First I got swamped last couple weeks of summer school, all study and no play. Then I just wanted to relax and stressed out about school. Now I've been in school for like a month, and I literally get like 4-5 hours of sleep a night.

I thought I could stay away from blogging, and it was out of my mind for a while. Then I remembered that I missed having a place that I could just vent. About anything and everything and everyone. I really did miss you guys though. But my not wanted to blog at first kept me away. But now I'm back! I can't guarantee how often I'll blog though. But it will at least be once a week lol.
So let me give the quick rundown of what's been going on in my school days...then I will give sequential new posts that you can all catch up to minute by minute, detail by detail TODAY!!! Right I have come down with this horrible cold and am lying in bed, missing my classes for the day.
Pretty much, school so far has been work, work work. Hanging out with friends, my boyfriend....and I have tons of gist about my roommate. My sneaky roommate that has some kind of negative intention towards my bf and I. My friends and I have all talked...and she's really shady. Let me start to break it down....
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