Monday, September 17, 2007

The Morning After....

So that next morning, I woke up next to my boyfriend. My roommate had apparently come back to the room...even after I called her and she said that she could find somewhere else to sleep for the night. But oh well...not that big of a deal.

I put my arm around my boyfriend and he whispers that he has something to tell me. So he begins to narrate a story to me of my roommate came into the room not long ago with another guy, and he heard some giggling and then later they left, and Brittany came back into the room and got ready for bed. I told him I must have been asleep during the whole thing because I didn't hear a thing.

So then we get out of bed, and he tells me he wants a pen and paper because he wants to write her a note. A note telling her how she was not "slick" when she came into the room. It started with...Dear Brittany, Right now it is 8:47PM, exactly 3 hours from when you entered into the room... Then he went on to talk about how she wasn't being quiet when the keys were jingling and you guys were giggling... He went on rambling in the letter about what she did when she came into the room and he ended it with oh, and just so you know, remember that you didn't see any underwear on the floor. This was there to imply the fact that we did not have sex.

I read the letter and I was just like...why did you have to put that in the note. Who's business is it what did and didn't happen. So then later we went outside because he was going to leave for church. But then he called his roommate, and he said that they were going to a later service. So during the extra time we sat in the stairwell and talked for a bit. I asked him to tell me what exactly happened the night before. And he was like...well I think she came in wearing a white top. And she came in with this guy, and they were talking and giggling about something.

Then he asked me if she put some stuff on her face before she goes to bed. Because she spent a good three to five minutes doing that. Then he asked if she goes to bed with blue shorts that say "____" on the bottom. Because it looked like she had that on when she went into bed. So then he said he wanted to go back into the room because he wanted to see her reaction when she read the note. All the while I was just listening and observing him, because I had said my piece the night before. Right now I just wanted to see how he acted.

So we got back into my bed, and were talking. The time came that he had to go and he told me to text him if my roommate had on blue ____ shorts....


EDNUTEY said...

ok, ur boyfriend is offense
he asked u to text him? LOL...I don't even know what to say...WOW!

Anonymous said...

hmnnn....i think ur bf has a lil sme some up his sleeves

Jayn Sean said...

ELNG..Whats going on?